Friday, August 03, 2007

The Post-Con post

First of all, this is a detour for my website, which is undergoing a major overhaul. Thanks for your patience, it'll be back up mid-August.

I'll start with (most of) the Hard 8 guys. Proudly displayed are the movie posters for each of our volume 2 stories.

As usual, the exhibits were amazing. I love being surprised by what shows up.

I sold a bunch of B-Movie Starlets teaser books. Now I'm REALLY cracking the whip to get volume one out by next year. Thanks to everybody who bought a copy!
Here's a Starlets sketch I did in the car on the way to San Diego.

On a side note, I saw 'Wicked' on Tuesday. It was AMAZING!

The Pantages is amazing, too. The intricate architecture had me captivated. I was able to take some pictures outside and in the lobby, but there's no photographs allowed in the house (which was the best part).

So I had to rely on my cafe sketching skills. This is an extremely poor reproduction of the chandelier.

Maybe I can find some pictures somewhere else. I'm SURE I'll need the reference later.
I try to use reference whenever I need it, and magazines can be GREAT sources. Like this Pharaoh bust I used for the Mummy on the Starlets cover.

But there's a problem with magazines: those STUPID little inserts. Diagnose me with OCD, but I have to go through an entire magazine and rip them all out before I can relax and read. This time, I catalogued:

TEN of the little buggers. I ask you: do trees really need to die for THIS?

And lastly, an Audrey sketch from wednesday night.

Now I'm gonna work on the website!


Alex Deligiannis said...

1) Is Browe’s head more handsome than my poster? Maybe so, maybe so...
2) I have EXTRREEEEMEEEE OCD when it comes to those effing little flyers in magazines!! That’s all I can stands and I can’t stands no more!
3) You found the Judge Dredd! Nice!
4) Those Munsters figures are suhweeeet, who makes them? I didn’t see them on the floor, but the designs are excellent!
5) Your chandelier sketching skills get better and better with each passing light bulb. You go, girl.
6) I’m excited to see your new site, I think tis time for an overhaul now that you’ve graduated to the next career step as assistant supreme overlord. As usual, I’ve been working on yet another website revamp as well. One day I’ll learn to let go. But today is not that day.

Garrett Shikuma said...

You saw wicked?! Awesome! Im jealous, Amber and I havent had a chance to see it yet, were in the midst of gettin some tickets! Your stuff is getting better and better dood, I cant wait to see the full B-Movie Starlets book!

Martin Hsu said...

Greg! Save the Red Pandas! Stop eating them!

When do you start boarding??